Funny Anniversary Quotes For Couples

240+ Best Funny Anniversary Quotes For Couples


Get ready to sprinkle some laughter and joy into your anniversary wishes. Whether you’re celebrating one year or several decades together, these funny anniversary quotes for couples will surely add a touch of humor to your heartfelt messages. From poking fun at everyday quirks to celebrating the enduring love that withstands the test of time, these witty remarks capture the essence of marriage in a lighthearted and entertaining way.

  1. “Happy anniversary to the guy who still gives me butterflies in my stomach…especially when he cooks.”
  1. “Here’s to another year of putting up with me. You deserve a medal or at least a really big cake.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for always pretending to laugh at my jokes, even when they’re not funny.”
  1. “Happy anniversary to the man who still makes me laugh even when I want to cry…usually because he forgot to do the dishes again.”
  1. “Another year down, and you still haven’t figured out that leaving your socks on the floor is not considered romantic.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Let’s keep making memories together, even if half of them involve arguing over whose turn it is to take out the trash.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage to me. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good back rub.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Thanks for always being the ‘yin’ to my ‘yang,’ even when I’m being a total ‘yang’ about it.”
  1. “To the man who stole my heart and never gave it back…well, you can keep it, but you still owe me for all those times you left the toilet seat up.”
  1. “Here’s to us on our anniversary. Let’s celebrate by binge-watching our favorite shows and ignoring all responsibilities.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, hubby. Thanks for being the one person I can annoy for the rest of my life.”
  1. “Cheers to another year of marriage, and to the fact that we still haven’t killed each other…yet.”
  1. “Happy anniversary to the guy who still makes me smile even when I want to strangle him. That’s true love, right?”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really long nap.”
  1. “Here’s to us on our anniversary. May our love be as eternal as the pile of laundry that never seems to disappear.”
Short Anniversary Wishes for Husband Funny

Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Wife:

  1. “Happy anniversary to my better half…who somehow manages to tolerate my worse half too.”
  1. “Cheers to the woman who said ‘I do’ and hasn’t said ‘I don’t’ since…though I’m sure she’s thought about it.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Thanks for loving me even when I leave my socks scattered like breadcrumbs all over the house.”
  1. “To the love of my life on our anniversary: You’re the reason I wake up with a smile…and sometimes with a pillow over my face to block out your snoring.”
  1. “Congratulations to my amazing wife on another year of pretending to be amused by my dad jokes. You deserve a medal or at least a laugh track.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the woman who still makes my heart skip a beat…even when she’s yelling at me for leaving the toilet seat up.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for always being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…especially when it comes to making decisions.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, darling. You’re not just my wife, you’re also my personal chef, therapist, and occasional referee in our ongoing battle for the TV remote.”
  1. “To my incredible wife on our anniversary: Thank you for always making our house feel like a home…even when I’m the reason it looks like a tornado hit.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage to me. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really big slice of cake.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Thanks for being the sunshine in my life…even when you’re shining a light on all the chores I haven’t done yet.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Let’s celebrate by doing all the things we love, like watching Netflix and ordering takeout.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Here’s to another year of love, laughter, and trying to remember where we put the car keys.”
  1. “To my amazing wife on our anniversary: You’re the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the one who always knows where I left my phone.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really long vacation without me.”
Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Wife

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Husband:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the man who still manages to make my heart race…usually because he’s driving too fast.”
  1. “Cheers to the man who stole my heart and still manages to sneak my fries when I’m not looking. Love you more than ketchup.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of being married to me. You deserve a medal…or at least a lifetime supply of earplugs for my snoring.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the guy who stole my heart and never gave it back…though I’m starting to think he just misplaced it somewhere.”
  1. “To the love of my life on our anniversary: You’re the reason I wake up with a smile…and also the reason I wake up to find the toilet seat left up.”
  1. “Cheers to the man who still makes me laugh even when I want to cry…usually because he’s trying to tell a joke while I’m in the middle of a breakdown.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, hubby. Thanks for always being there to remind me that life is too short to take seriously…even when I’m in the middle of a serious meltdown.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really big slice of cake to enjoy while you endure another year of my shenanigans.”
  1. “Here’s to us on our anniversary. Let’s celebrate by doing all the things we love, like arguing over what movie to watch and then falling asleep halfway through.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘worse’ in ‘worse half.'”
  1. “Cheers to another year of marriage, and to the fact that we still haven’t killed each other…though I’m pretty sure you’ve considered it a few times.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Let’s celebrate by reminiscing about all the embarrassing moments we’ve shared together…and then pretending they never happened.”
  1. “To the man who completes me on our anniversary: You’re the missing piece to my puzzle…even if that puzzle sometimes resembles a chaotic mess.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage to me. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good massage to ease all the stress I’ve caused.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, love. Here’s to us and all the adventures we’ve had together…like trying to assemble Ikea furniture without starting a fight.”
Funny Anniversary Quotes for Husband

Happy Anniversary Funny Messages For Girlfriend:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the one who still makes my heart skip a beat…or maybe that’s just the caffeine from all the coffee you make me drink.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for always being the ‘light’ in my life…especially when you turn on the bathroom light at 3 am while I’m sleeping.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of putting up with me. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big box of chocolates to help you cope.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Thanks for being the ‘spark’ in our relationship…and for not lighting any actual fires when I forget to do the dishes.”
  1. “To the love of my life on our anniversary: You’re the reason I smile…and the reason I have so many embarrassing stories to tell.”
  1. “Cheers to the woman who still manages to look beautiful even when she’s yelling at me for leaving my socks on the floor. That’s true talent.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, darling. Thanks for always being there to laugh at my jokes…even when they’re so bad, they’re good.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good bottle of wine to help you forget all the times I’ve driven you crazy.”
  1. “Here’s to us on our anniversary. Let’s celebrate by doing all the things we love, like binge-watching Netflix and eating way too much junk food.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, love. Thanks for being the ‘sunshine’ in my life…even when you’re shining a light on all my flaws.”
  1. “Cheers to another year of love, laughter, and pretending to be adults. We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all…or at least, enough to make it interesting.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Let’s celebrate by reminiscing about all the silly moments we’ve shared together…and then making some new ones.”
  1. “To the woman who stole my heart and never gave it back: You can keep it, but you still owe me for all those times you stole the blankets in the middle of the night.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my shenanigans. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good foot rub to soothe all the times I’ve stepped on your toes.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, my better half. Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin, through bad hair days and ‘just rolled out of bed’ looks. You’re the real MVP.”
Happy Anniversary Funny Messages For Girlfriend

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Boyfriend:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the guy who still puts up with my nonsense…and still manages to look handsome while doing it.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…even if that means you’re sometimes as dense as one.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of tolerating my quirks. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good playlist to drown out my off-key singing.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, babe. Thanks for being the ‘light’ in my life…even when you’re shining it directly in my eyes to wake me up.”
  1. “To the love of my life on our anniversary: You’re the reason I smile…and the reason I have to pretend to like kale smoothies.”
  1. “Cheers to the man who still manages to make me laugh even when I want to cry…usually because he’s doing something ridiculously silly.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Thanks for always being there to listen to my rants…even when they’re about something as trivial as mismatched socks.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of dating me. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, love. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I must be doing something right because you’re still here, and I haven’t burned the kitchen down… yet.”
  1. “Another year of stealing your fries when you’re not looking and blaming it on the dog. Love is all about sharing, right? Happy anniversary, my partner in fry crime.”
  1. “Cheers to another year of love, laughter, and pretending to have our lives together. Who needs perfection when you’ve got pizza and each other?”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Let’s celebrate by reminiscing about all the embarrassing moments we’ve shared together…and then creating some new ones.”
  1. “To the guy who stole my heart and still hasn’t given it back: You can keep it, but you’re responsible for all the times it skips a beat because of you.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I think they forgot to mention that it also makes the laundry pile up. Thanks for putting up with my domestic skills.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, babe. They say love is blind, but I can still see your questionable fashion choices. Lucky for you, I find them adorable. Here’s to another year of my impeccable taste in men.”
Funny Anniversary Quotes for Boyfriend

Girlfriend Anniversary Quotes Funny:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the woman who still hasn’t realized she’s way too good for me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell her if you won’t.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘light’ in my life…especially when you leave the bathroom light on all night.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of being with me. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big box of chocolates to ease the pain.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, love. Thanks for being the ‘spark’ in our relationship…even if that sometimes means starting arguments just for fun.”
  1. “To the love of my life on our anniversary: You’re the reason I smile…and the reason I’ve developed a tolerance for your terrible taste in movies.”
  1. “Cheers to the woman who still manages to make me laugh even when I’m in the doghouse. That takes serious talent.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Thanks for always being there to listen to my rants…even when they’re about something as trivial as which superhero would win in a fight.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of dating me. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good bottle of wine to celebrate.”
  1. “Here’s to us on our anniversary. Let’s celebrate by doing all the things we love, like staying in bed all day and ordering takeout.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, love. Thanks for being the ‘sunshine’ in my life…even when you’re shining it directly on my face to wake me up.”
  1. “Cheers to another year of love, laughter, and pretending to be adults. Who needs perfection when you’ve got pizza and each other?”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Let’s celebrate by reminiscing about all the embarrassing moments we’ve shared together…and then making some new ones.”
  1. “To the woman who stole my heart and still hasn’t given it back: You can keep it, but you’re responsible for all the times it skips a beat because of you.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good massage to soothe all the times I’ve stressed you out.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Here’s to us and all the adventures we’ve had together…like trying to cook a fancy dinner and ending up ordering pizza instead.”
Girlfriend Anniversary Quotes Funny

Funny Anniversary Wishes For Friends:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the dynamic duo. Here’s to another year of tolerating each other’s weirdness…and still pretending to like each other.”
  1. “Cheers to the couple who still manages to make marriage look easy…even if they’re just really good at hiding the chaos behind closed doors.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage without killing each other. You deserve a medal…or at least a really strong drink.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, you two lovebirds. Thanks for setting the bar so high that the rest of us have given up even trying to compete.”
  1. “To the couple who still hasn’t figured out that ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t mean ‘happily without arguments.’ Here’s to many more years of bickering.”
  1. “Cheers to the friends who prove that marriage is just a fancy word for ‘tolerating each other’s weird habits.’ You guys are relationship goals…in a slightly dysfunctional way.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Thanks for showing us that marriage is all about compromise…like when one person wants pizza for dinner and the other wants tacos, so you just order both.”
  1. “To the couple who knows the secret to a happy marriage: never go to bed angry, and always keep a stash of chocolate for those ‘I’m sorry’ moments. Happy anniversary, you sweet and hilarious lovebirds.”
  1. “Here’s to the couple who still manages to laugh together even when they’re crying on the inside. You guys are the real MVPs of marriage.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, you crazy kids. Thanks for reminding us that love isn’t just about candlelit dinners and roses…it’s also about arguing over who forgot to take out the trash.”
  1. “Cheers to the couple who still knows how to have fun together, even if their idea of fun involves staying in and binge-watching Netflix until 2 am.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage with your sense of humor intact. You deserve a round of applause…and maybe a few shots of tequila.”
  1. “Cheers to the pair who not only found love but also discovered the art of sharing the TV remote without starting World War III. Your compatibility is a true inspiration.”
  1. “To the couple who still dates each other – you’re making the rest of us look bad. Happy anniversary, lovebirds.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of love, laughter, and pretending not to hear each other’s embarrassing stories. You guys are the real MVPs of marital comedy.”
Funny Anniversary Wishes For Friends

Short Funny Anniversary Quotes for Friends:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the couple who still hasn’t figured out how to split the chores evenly. Here’s to another year of arguing over who forgot to take out the trash.”
  1. “Cheers to the friends who make marriage look like a piece of cake…even if it’s a cake with a few layers of craziness.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of marriage. You two are like a fine wine – you get better with age…and sometimes a little bit sweeter after a glass or two.”
  1. “Happy anniversary to the couple who still manages to laugh at each other’s jokes…even when they’ve heard them a thousand times before.”
  1. “Here’s to the friends who prove that marriage is just a fancy word for ‘endless negotiation.’ May your compromises be fair and your arguments be short.”
  1. “Cheers to the couple who still hasn’t figured out that ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t mean ‘happily without disagreements.’ Keep the love alive, even if it means agreeing to disagree.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage without resorting to murder. You guys are the real MVPs of patience and tolerance.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. May your love continue to grow stronger…and your ability to ignore each other’s annoying habits grow even stronger.”
  1. “To the friends who make marriage look easy…or at least make it look like a hilarious sitcom that we all want to binge-watch.”
  1. “Cheers to the couple who still knows how to keep the romance alive…even if it means sending each other memes instead of love letters.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of putting up with each other’s quirks. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good therapist.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the couple who proves that marriage isn’t just about finding the perfect partner, but also about being the perfect partner…at least most of the time.”
  1. “Cheers to the friends who know that marriage is all about compromise…like when one person wants pizza for dinner and the other wants tacos, so you just order both.”
  1. “Happy anniversary to the couple who still manages to make each other laugh, even when they’re crying on the inside. You guys are the real MVPs of love and laughter.”
  1. “Happy anniversary to the couple who still knows how to turn everyday moments into extraordinary memories—mostly by making us laugh.”
Short Funny Anniversary Quotes for Friends

Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes For Parents:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the couple who proved that ‘happily ever after’ sometimes involves snoring, mismatched socks, and a lot of patience.”
  1. “Cheers to my parents on their anniversary. Thanks for showing me that marriage is all about love, laughter, and occasionally wondering where you put the car keys.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of putting up with each other’s shenanigans. You guys are the real MVPs of marriage…or maybe just really good at pretending.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Here’s to the two people who know all my embarrassing stories and still love me anyway. You guys are the best.”
  1. “To the couple who still manages to make each other laugh after all these years…even when one of you tells the same joke for the thousandth time.”
  1. “Cheers to my parents on their anniversary. Thanks for teaching me that marriage is all about compromise…like when one of you wants to watch sports and the other wants to watch reality TV, so you end up watching a cooking show instead.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage without killing each other. You guys deserve a medal…or at least a really big piece of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Thanks for showing me that true love is about finding someone who will still hold your hand even after years of garlic breath and morning breath.”
  1. “To the couple who still hasn’t figured out that ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t mean ‘happily without arguments.’ Here’s to many more years of bickering over who forgot to take out the trash.”
  1. “Cheers to my parents on their anniversary. Thanks for proving that love knows no bounds…even when it comes to stealing the last slice of pizza from each other.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the two people who taught me that marriage is all about teamwork…like when one of you cooks dinner and the other one does the dishes. Or when both of you just order takeout and call it a day.”
  1. “Congratulations on another year of being each other’s best friend, confidant, and partner in crime. You guys make marriage look easy…or at least like a really entertaining sitcom.”
  1. “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Thanks for being the ultimate relationship goals…even if those goals sometimes involve arguing over who gets control of the TV remote.”
  1. “Cheers to my parents on their anniversary. Thanks for being the perfect example of what it means to stick together through thick and thin…and through all the bad haircuts and questionable fashion choices.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of marriage with your sense of humor intact. You guys are an inspiration to us all…or at least to anyone who has ever had to unclog a toilet at 3 am.”
Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes For Parents

Funny 1 Year Anniversary Quotes:

  1. “Happy 1-year anniversary. Here’s to surviving 365 days of each other’s weird habits…and discovering a few new ones along the way.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our first anniversary. Thanks for not running away screaming when you found out how weird I really am.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for a whole year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Happy 1-year anniversary. Here’s to all the times we laughed, cried, and wondered what on earth we were thinking. Here’s to many more adventures ahead.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our first anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘worse’ in ‘worse half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving 12 months of my nonsense. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good foot rub.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes my heart race…even though they’ve seen me at my most embarrassing.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our first anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘yin’ to my ‘yang,’ the peanut butter to my jelly, and the one who always remembers to buy more toilet paper.”
  1. “Congratulations on one year of putting up with my terrible cooking. You deserve a Michelin star…or at least a stomach of steel.”
  1. “Happy 1-year anniversary. Here’s to all the times we almost killed each other…and somehow ended up closer than ever.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our first anniversary. Thanks for being the person I want to annoy for the rest of my life.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving 365 days of my dad jokes. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good laugh track.”
  1. “One year down, forever to go. May your love continue to grow, and your patience continue to be tested. Happy anniversary.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our first anniversary. Thanks for being the person I can be my weird, goofy self around without judgment.”
  1. “Congratulations on one year of love, laughter, and putting up with each other’s snoring. Here’s to many more years of pretending to be adults together.”
Funny 1 Year Anniversary Quotes

Funny 10th Year Anniversary Wishes:

  1. “Happy 10-year anniversary. I guess we’re officially experts at tolerating each other’s quirks now…or maybe just really good at pretending.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 10-year anniversary. Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin, and for still managing to look good even after a decade of marriage.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving a decade of my terrible puns. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good eye-roll for each one.”
  1. “Happy 10-year anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes my heart skip a beat…or maybe that’s just the cholesterol from all the takeout we’ve eaten over the years.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 10-year anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…and for not throwing any actual rocks at me during arguments.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for 10 whole years. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “A decade down, forever to go. We’ve officially upgraded from neighbourhood rookies to seasoned pros. Thanks for being the best neighbour in this crazy adventure of marriage. Here’s to more years of hilarious block parties and navigating the cul-de-sac of love together.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 10-year anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘worse’ in ‘worse half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving a decade of my terrible singing in the shower. You deserve a Grammy…or at least a pair of noise-canceling headphones.”
  1. “Happy 10-year anniversary. Here’s to all the adventures we’ve had together…and to the fact that we haven’t killed each other yet. Here’s hoping we make it to 20.”
Funny 10 Year Anniversary Wishes

Funny 20th Year Anniversary Quotes:

  1. “Happy 20-year anniversary. Who would’ve thought we’d make it this far without accidentally burning the house down…or each other?”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 20-year anniversary. Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin, and for still managing to laugh at my terrible jokes after all these years.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving two decades of my questionable fashion choices. You deserve a fashion award…or at least a really good eye-roll for each outfit.”
  1. “Happy 20-year anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes my heart race…even if it’s just because they stole the last cookie from the jar.”
  2. “Cheers to us on our 20-year anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…and for not throwing any actual rocks at me during arguments.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for 20 whole years. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Two decades of love, laughter, and putting up with each other’s quirks. Here’s to many more years of blissful chaos. Happy 20th anniversary.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 20-year anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘worse’ in ‘worse half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving two decades of my terrible singing in the car. You deserve a Grammy…or at least a pair of noise-canceling headphones.”
  1. “Happy 20-year anniversary. Here’s to all the adventures we’ve had together…and to the fact that we haven’t killed each other yet. Here’s hoping we make it to 30 without any major injuries.”
Funny 20 Year Anniversary Quotes

Funny 40th Anniversary Quotes:

  1. “Happy 40th anniversary. Who knew we’d make it this far without resorting to throwing each other’s shoes out the window?”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 40th anniversary. Thanks for sticking with me through four decades of questionable decisions and even more questionable dance moves.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving 40 years of my snoring. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good pair of earplugs.”
  1. “Happy 40th anniversary. Here’s to the person who still manages to make my heart skip a beat…or maybe that’s just because we’re getting older.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 40th anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…and for not rolling over me in your sleep.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for 40 whole years. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Forty years of love, laughter, and wondering how you put up with each other for so long. Here’s to the next 40 years of marital bliss – and occasional bickering.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our 40th anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘worse’ in ‘worse half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving 40 years of my terrible singing in the shower. You deserve a Grammy…or at least a pair of noise-canceling headphones.”
  1. “Happy 40th anniversary. Here’s to all the adventures we’ve had together…and to the fact that we haven’t killed each other yet. Here’s hoping we make it to 50 with our sanity intact.”
Funny 40th Anniversary Quotes

Funny but Romantic Anniversary Quotes:

  1. Happy anniversary to the person who still makes my heart race…even after all these years of stealing the blankets.
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘hangry’ in ‘hangry half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my terrible cooking. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good takeout dinner.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes me laugh even when I’m trying to be mad at them. You’re annoyingly adorable.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…and for not rolling your eyes too hard when I make cheesy jokes.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good foot massage.”
  1. “A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.” — Paul Sweeney
  1. “More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.” — Doug Larson
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my questionable dance moves. You deserve a dance partner who’s slightly less embarrassing…but you’re stuck with me.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to all the adventures we’ve had together…and to the fact that we haven’t killed each other yet. Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and arguing over who gets control of the TV remote.”
Funny but Romantic Anniversary Quotes

Hilarious Anniversary Quotes for Couples:

  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to us, proving that true love is still alive and that our tolerance for each other’s quirks knows no bounds…or sanity.”
  1. “Cheers to another year of pretending to be adults and trying to figure out what we’re doing. Who knew love could be this entertaining?”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my terrible cooking. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good pizza to make up for it.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who still manages to make my heart skip a beat…or maybe that’s just the result of too much caffeine.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘messier’ in ‘messier half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes me laugh even when I want to cry…usually because they’re doing something ridiculously silly.”
  1. “Cheers to the pair who proves that marriage is a journey, and the journey is a lot more fun with a good sense of humor.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my dad jokes. You deserve a round of applause…or at least a really good eye-roll for each one.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to all the adventures we’ve had together…and to the fact that we haven’t killed each other yet. Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and arguing over who gets the last slice of cake.”
Hilarious Anniversary Quotes for Couples

Funny Happy Anniversary Wishes:

  1. “Happy anniversary to the person who still manages to make my heart race…even after all these years of ignoring my terrible singing in the shower.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my terrible jokes and even worse cooking. You’re a true hero…or maybe just really hungry.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who still makes me laugh until my sides hurt…and then blames it on the pizza we ate for dinner.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘better’ in ‘better half’…even when I’m being the ‘lazier’ in ‘lazier half.'”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a medal…or at least a really good back rub to soothe all the times I’ve stressed you out.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to the person who knows all my flaws and loves me anyway. You’re either crazy or crazy in love…or both.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the person I can be my goofy, weird self around without judgment. You’re my kind of weird.”
  1. “There’s no one else in the world I’d rather have snoring next me.”
  1. “This box of chocolates reminds me of you — sweet, salty, nutty and very addictive.”
  1. “Let’s jump into the richly imagined future together for another whole year of questionable adventures.”
Funny Happy Anniversary Wishes

Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes:

  1. “Happy anniversary. Here’s to us, proving that love is blind…and sometimes deaf, especially when you’re snoring.”
  1. “Congratulations on surviving another year of my shenanigans. You deserve a medal…or at least a really big slice of cake to celebrate.”
  1. “You’re my lifetime subscription to love.”
  1. “Happy 5th anniversary. Five years, 60 months, 260 weeks, or 1,825 days—however you count it, it all adds up to love.”
  1. “Congratulations on putting up with me for another year. You deserve a trophy…or at least a really good foot massage to ease all the times I’ve stepped on your toes.”
  1. “Sorry, no refunds. Happy anniversary.”
  1. “Cheers to us on our anniversary. Thanks for being the ‘rock’ in our relationship…and for not throwing any actual rocks at me during arguments.”
  1. “Today we celebrate the best decision you’ve ever made.”
  1. “Even though we have more grey hair, wrinkles and body aches, celebrating our marriage anniversary never gets old.”
  1. “Happy anniversary. I want to spend the rest of my money with you.”
Funny Wedding Anniversary Quotes

Funny Anniversary Quotes from Film and Television:

  1. “Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond, only it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.” – Knocked Up
  1. “They say marriage is all about compromise, but I’d rather argue over who gets the remote.” – Modern Family
  1. “Love is spending the rest of your life with someone you want to kill and not doing it because you’d miss them.” – How I Met Your Mother
  1. “Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of The Big Bang Theory.” – Knocked Up
  1. “Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.” – Friends
  1. “They say marriage is about communication, but sometimes I wonder if you’re just talking to make sure I’m not near the TV.” – The Simpsons
  1. “Marriage is like a game of chess, except the board is flowing water, the pieces are made of smoke and no move you make will have any effect on the outcome.” – Parks and Recreation
  1. “Love means never having to say you’re sorry for watching one more episode.” – Grey’s Anatomy
  1. “Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Family Guy
  1. “Love is like an elephant ear at the fair. It’s messy, and greasy, and sometimes it makes you sick. But damn, you just can’t resist.” – How I Met Your Mother
Funny Anniversary Quotes from Film and Television

Funny Anniversary Quotes from Writers and Notable People:

  1. “A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.” – Paul Sweeney
  1. “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?” – Groucho Marx
  1. “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.” – Henny Youngman
  1. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  1. “Marriage is not just spiritual communion and passionate embraces; marriage is also three-meals-a-day and remembering to carry out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers
  1. “The most important four words for a successful marriage: ‘I’ll do the dishes.'” – Anonymous
  1. “Marriage is like a deck of cards. At the start, all you need are two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Unknown
  1. “My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.” – Rodney Dangerfield
  1. “The longest sentence you can form with two words is: I do.” – H. L. Mencken
  1. “An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.” – Unknown
Funny Anniversary Quotes from Writers and Notable People

Funny Anniversary Quotes from Songs:

  1. “Grow old with me, the best is yet to be… unless you snore, then it’s gonna be a long night.” – John Lennon
  1. “Love is all you need… but a little bit of space in bed wouldn’t hurt either.” – The Beatles
  1. “I got you, babe… and you’ve got the remote, so I guess we’re even.” – Sonny & Cher
  1. “You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to… even when you leave your dirty socks on the floor.” – Shania Twain
  1. “Love is like a bottle of fine wine, it gets better with age… until it gives you a headache in the morning.” – Brad Paisley
  1. “I don’t want to miss a thing… especially if it’s the last slice of pizza.” – Aerosmith
  1. “Every breath you take, every move you make… makes me wonder if you’ll ever learn to put the toilet seat down.” – The Police
  1. “I will always love you… even when you eat the last cookie.” – Whitney Houston
  1. “I can’t help falling in love with you… even though you never put the cap back on the toothpaste.” – Elvis Presley
  1. “You’re the one that I want, ooh ooh ooh… to watch Netflix and eat takeout with for the rest of my life.” – Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta
Funny Anniversary Quotes from Songs

Funny Anniversary Quotes from Comedians and Actors:

  1. “Marriage is like a game of chess, except the board is flowing water, the pieces are made of smoke and no move you make will have any effect on the outcome.” – Jerry Seinfeld
  1. “Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond, only it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.” – Judd Apatow (from the movie Knocked Up)
  1. “Only married people can understand how you can be miserable and happy at the same time.” — Chris Rock
  1. “They say marriage is all about compromise, but I’d rather argue over who gets the remote.” – Eric Stonestreet (from the TV show Modern Family)
  1. “Love is a lot like a backache. It doesn’t show up on x-rays, but you know it’s there.” — George Burns
  1. “Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.” – Joey Adams
  1. “Marriage is a wonderful institution… but who wants to live in an institution?” – Groucho Marx
  1. “Before we got married, I caught her in my arms. Now I catch her in my pockets.” – Red Skelton
  1. “Marriage is like a game of poker. You start with a pair, and after 25 years, you end up needing a full house.” – Jeff Foxworthy
  1. “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner
Funny Anniversary Quotes from Comedians and Actors

Using Funny Anniversary Quotes for Couples:

So, whether you’re wishing your spouse, significant other, friends, or family members a happy anniversary, these funny quotes are guaranteed to bring smiles and chuckles to everyone’s faces. Cheers to love, laughter, and many more years of unforgettable moments together.

Some material and information are collected from this article “Anniversary Quotes”.

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