Funny Karma Quotes

160 Best Funny Karma Quotes 2024


Ever wondered about funny karma quotes? This article explores the lighter side of karma, where actions and consequences meet humorously. Dive into witty quotes that highlight the playful nature of cause and effect. Discover how laughter can teach us profound lessons about life and justice.

  1. “I’m not saying karma is going to get you, but if it does, I hope it has a sense of humor.”
  1. “Dear karma, I have a list of people you missed.”
  1. “Karma’s just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She’ll be with you shortly.”
  1. “Karma never loses an address.”
  1. “If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments. Karma will show up soon.”
  1. “Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.”
  1. “My life motto: ‘Don’t worry, karma will fix it.'”
  1. “I don’t need to worry about revenge; karma will handle that for me.”
  1. “When karma comes back to punch you in the face, I want to be there just in case it needs help.”
  1. “I wish karma was as fast as a pizza delivery.”
Funny Karma Quotes
  1. “Karma is like a rubber band. You can only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.”
  1. “Karma is the universe’s way of letting you know you officially screwed up.”
  1. “Remember, if you’re bad and mean, karma will repay you with a punch in the spleen.”
  1. “Karma’s a bigger woman than I’ll ever need to be.”
  1. “They say karma is a bitch. Well, just make sure that bitch is beautiful.”
  1. “The only circle of trust you should have is with karma.”
  1. “I don’t hold grudges; I remember facts. And karma handles the rest.”
  1. “You can’t escape karma, but you can enjoy watching it catch up to others.”
  1. “Karma’s got a bad reputation, but it’s really just misunderstood justice.”
  1. “Karma has a surprising sense of humor. She can be quite the comedian.”
Funny Karma Quotes

Karma Quotes:

  1. “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”
  1. “Karma is the universe’s way of saying, ‘You reap what you sow.'”
  1. “What goes around, comes around.”
  1. “Karma is simply the consequence of our actions.”
  1. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is karma.”
  1. “Karma has no deadline.”
  1. You cannot do harm to others and expect to live a life of peace.
  1. “Good karma comes from good intentions.”
  1. “Karma is the law of cause and effect.”
  1. “People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become.”
Karma Quotes
  1. “Karma is not a punishment; it’s a reflection of your actions.”
  1. “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does. Karma sees it all.”
  1. “Karma means you don’t get away with anything.”
  1. “Act with kindness, even when it seems no one is watching. Karma is always observing.”
  1. “When you plant seeds of kindness, you will harvest a bounty of good karma.”
  1. “Karma is the most patient gangster ever.”
  1. “Do good, and good will come to you. That’s the karma equation.”
  1. “Karma is like a boomerang; it always comes back around.”
  1. “The way you make others feel says a lot about your own karma.”
  1. “If you continuously live with integrity, karma will take care of the rest.”
Karma Quotes

Quotes About Karma:

  1. “Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish, because we have to earn all that we receive.”
  1. “Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.”
  1. “Karma is the balance of life. The best way to understand it is to observe it in action.”
  1. “Karma has a way of showing up when you least expect it.”
  1. “Even if things don’t unfold the way you expected, don’t be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end.”
  1. “Karma is not just about the troubles, but also about surmounting them.”
  1. “The universe has a way of taking care of those who take care of others. Karma.”
  1. “Karma is like a mirror: It reflects what you give.”
  1. “True karma requires patience and diligence; it doesn’t occur instantly.”
  1. “When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life.”
Quotes About Karma
  1. “Karma says if you give good to the world, good will come back to you.”
  1. “Karma is the universe’s way of keeping the balance.”
  1. “You cannot control the results, only your actions.”
  1. “Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom… Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves.”
  1. “Karma is the ultimate litmus test for human conduct.”
  1. “Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life.”
  1. “Live a good and honorable life. Then, when you are older, you can look back and enjoy it a second time with good karma.”
  1. “Karma never loses an address, so be kind to everyone.”
  1. “Karma is the invisible power that teaches us. It’s not punishment; it’s about learning from our choices.”
  1. “The love you send into the world, you will find, is the love that returns to you.”
Quotes About Karma

Buddha Quotes on Karma:

  1. “One who acts on truth is happy in this world and beyond.”
  1. “Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.”
  1. Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.
  1. “What we think, we become.”
  1. “If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows them like a never-departing shadow.”
  1. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”
  1. “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.”
  1. “The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”
  1. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
  1. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”
Buddha Quotes on Karma
  1. “Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
  1. “The trouble is, you think you have time.”
  1. “Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”
  1. “To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.”
  1. “It is better to travel well than to arrive.”
  1. “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
  1. “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
  1. “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”
  1. “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
  1. “In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
Buddha Quotes on Karma

Funny Short Karma Quotes:

  1. “Karma’s way of saying, ‘You had that coming.'”
  1. “If karma doesn’t hit you, I gladly will.”
  1. “Karma’s just sharpening her nails and finishing her coffee.”
  1. “Karma: the universe’s way of removing the trash.”
  1. “When karma comes back, it slaps harder than any insult.”
  1. “Karma has a list, and she’s checking it twice.”
  1. “Karma’s the friend who reminds you, ‘I told you so.'”
  1. “Karma’s got a seat reserved just for you.”
  1. “Karma is a boomerang that never misses.”
  1. “Karma is nature’s way of saying, ‘Nice try.'”
Funny Short Karma Quotes
  1. “Karma never forgets an address or a face.”
  1. “Don’t worry about revenge; karma’s got your back.”
  1. “Karma is like a rubber band; it can only stretch so far before snapping back.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite pastime: collecting dues.”
  1. “Karma doesn’t carry a grudge; it carries receipts.”
  1. “Karma is the best comedian; her timing is impeccable.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite color? Payback black.”
  1. “Karma’s GPS is never wrong.”
  1. “Karma is that surprise guest who shows up unannounced.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite hobby? Giving you a taste of your own medicine.”
Funny Short Karma Quotes

Karma Quotes Funny Relationships:

  1. “Karma’s ex is always on standby, waiting to return the favor.”
  1. “Dating karma: what goes around, comes around wearing your ex’s hoodie.”
  1. “Relationship karma: your ex finds someone just like you… only worse.”
  1. “Karma’s got your ex’s number on speed dial.”
  1. “Karma is watching your ex date someone exactly like themselves.”
  1. “Karma never forgets a breakup.”
  1. “Relationship karma: your ex’s new partner has your sympathy.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite love story is ‘What goes around comes back single.'”
  1. “Karma has a way of putting the ‘ex’ in ‘extra miserable.'”
  1. “If you’re wondering how karma works in relationships, check your ex’s Instagram.”
Karma Quotes Funny Relationships
  1. “Relationship karma: your ex’s new partner is a walking red flag.”
  1. “Karma has a special playlist for relationship revenge.”
  1. “Karma’s revenge is making your ex date their own reflection.”
  1. “In the book of karma, relationship chapters are the juiciest.”
  1. “Karma is the ultimate matchmaker for your ex’s karma.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite role is playing the ex’s new love interest.”
  1. “Relationship karma: serving justice one ex at a time.”
  1. “Karma’s favorite hobby? Making your ex regret everything.”
  1. “Karma’s love triangle: you, your ex, and sweet revenge.”
  1. “Karma is the relationship rebound nobody wants but everyone gets.”
Karma Quotes Funny Relationships

Bad Karma Quotes Funny:

  1. “Bad karma is just karma’s way of saying, ‘You really messed up.'”
  1. “If you think life is bad now, just wait until karma catches up.”
  1. “Bad karma: the universe’s way of delivering a punchline.”
  1. “Bad karma is like a boomerang that hits you on the way back.”
  1. “Bad karma is a dish best served with a side of ‘I told you so.'”
  1. “Bad karma is the universe’s way of keeping things balanced… and hilarious.”
  1. “When bad karma knocks, it doesn’t just tap; it slams.”
  1. “Bad karma is like a bad penny; it always turns up.”
  1. “Karma doesn’t do ‘bad’; it does ‘just desserts.'”
  1. “Bad karma is the universe’s ultimate prank.”
Bad Karma Quotes Funny
  1. “Bad karma is like a shadow; it follows you everywhere.”
  1. “Bad karma is the universe’s way of saying, ‘Oops, my bad.'”
  1. “Bad karma: when life’s little jokes come with a punchline and a punch.”
  1. “Bad karma is karma’s way of saying, ‘Surprise. Remember me?'”
  1. “Bad karma is like a gift you didn’t want but definitely earned.”
  1. “Bad karma is the ultimate reality check.”
  1. “When bad karma hits, it doesn’t miss.”
  1. “Bad karma: the universe’s way of keeping you humble.”
  1. “Bad karma is a comedian with impeccable timing.”
  1. “Bad karma: because the universe never forgets a wrong turn.”
Bad Karma Quotes Funny

Karma Quotes Funny Bible:

  1. “Karma’s like Noah’s flood: it cleans up all the mess.”
  1. When karma strikes, it parts the seas of your comfort zone.”
  1. “Karma is the modern-day burning bush: you can’t ignore it.”
  1. “Karma is like manna from heaven, except it serves consequences instead of food.”
  1. “Karma: turning water into whine.”
  1. “If you sow bad seeds, don’t expect a miracle harvest.”
  1. “Karma’s like David’s slingshot: small but mighty.”
  1. “Remember, karma doesn’t need a staff to split your troubles.”
  1. “When karma rolls the stone back, there’s no resurrection of your bad deeds.”
  1. “Karma’s like Jonah’s whale: it’ll swallow you whole and spit you out better.”
Karma Quotes Funny Bible
  1. “Karma’s sense of humor is more twisted than a serpent in Eden.”
  1. “Karma’s ark has room for all your regrets.”
  1. “Even karma had a seventh-day rest, but it’s back on Monday.”
  1. “When karma’s in charge, every Pharaoh meets their plagues.”
  1. “Karma is like Moses’ staff: it straightens out the crooked paths.”
  1. “Karma’s judgment day doesn’t need trumpets, just patience.”
  1. “Karma’s garden of Eden: you reap what you sow.”
  1. “Karma’s like a biblical flood: it doesn’t leave any sin unturned.”
  1. “Karma is the ultimate fisher of men’s deeds.”
  1. “Karma’s stone tablets: written in the ink of your actions.”
Karma Quotes Funny Bible


Exploring funny karma quotes shows us that life’s ironies can be both amusing and enlightening. Remembering these anecdotes reminds us to take life in stride, knowing that karma’s wisdom, wrapped in humor, guides us along our journey.

Some material and information are collected from this article “Funny Karma Quotes”.

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